
Puppy Training 

Designed For

Our puppy training classes are designed for new puppy owners who need help with everything puppy! As a puppy trainer, I understand that chewing, peeing, and barking can be frustrating, but don’t let these frustrations keep you from properly training your dog! NOW is the time to create structure, clear communication, and leadership and set a solid foundation with the basics giving you a strong base to build on. The secret to the best puppy training is to provide clear, consistent structure, communication, and leadership as soon as that puppy enters your home.

This package includes Four 1- Hour Training Sessions designed for dogs 6 months or younger and will help set you and your dog up for long term success

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Four 1-Hour training Sessions (puppies Younger Than 6 Months)

Puppies are cute, adorable, and fun-loving creatures, but with that cuteness comes a bit of work! When it comes to in-home puppy training, it is important to begin developing the skills your puppy needs to behave well immediately. As a leading San Diego dog trainer, I understand that dogs think in pictures, and with puppies, it’s important to paint a clear picture when setting boundaries and building a solid foundation. The more clearly and consistently you paint a picture of what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable behavior, the faster the puppy will learn and comply!

Professional Puppy Training vs Doing It Yourself

When it comes to training your new puppy, the choice between hiring a professional puppy trainer or going the DIY route can make a significant difference in your puppy's development. Professional puppy training offers structured guidance, expertise, and personalized attention to address specific behavior challenges efficiently. On the other hand, opting to train your puppy yourself may lack consistency and the specialized knowledge needed for effective training. Investing in professional puppy training sets a solid foundation for your furry friend, ensuring long-term success in their behavior and obedience.

core skills

First and Second Session

The primary focus of the first two puppy training sessions is to create a safe home environment and establish clear communication with your puppy. These puppy training classes will include:

  • How to establish leadership with your puppy
  • How to establish a safe and appropriate structure in the home (boundaries, crate training, meal etiquette, etc.)
  • Proper socialization (noises, objects, people, etc.)
  • Potty training
  • Leash introduction
  • Basic obedience (sit, down, and stay)

Third and Fourth Session

The focus of the last two puppy training sessions is to build upon the foundation created in our previous sessions! We will focus on:

  • Basic recall
  • Sit/down stays
  • Impulse control
  • Leash manners
  • Desensitization to touch
  • Mitigate typical puppy behaviors (i.e. chewing, biting, etc.)


  • 4 One-Hour In-Home sessions ($150/Hr): $600
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What clients are saying

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Call for a free consult to see which program best suits you and your dog!

Once your puppy has grown into adulthood, keep the training going and check out our obedience training program!

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